Bloom enrols Alfea, a school which forms fairies in the Magical Dimension, and these great fairies befriend a team of boys from the Red Fountain School of Specialists.
Once Stella noticed Bloom’s special powers, she convinces her to come with her and form this new team of princess fairies fighting for the greater good. The Winx team is a team of princess fairies, well, Bloom is actually a teenage girl from planet Earth, but she discovers about her magical powers once she managed to save Stella, a fairy princess from Solaria. If you don’t know that many things about the Winx team of fairies, then you should definitely read our instructions where we will tell you everything you need to know about these animated series. This is the last Nintendo DS game to be released in the USA.As always, our site team from has prepared yet another interesting category where you girls are going to have quite a good time playing the best Winx Club Games, and we know that you’re going to be quite happy to see that we have brought to you these six members forming the Winx team, Bloom, Stella, Layla, Musa, Tecna and Flora.This is the first game based on the Season 6 Bloomix transformation.The Legendarium World of Mythix (Instrumental).Bloomix the Power of the Dragon (Instrumental).Find the Hidden Collectibles to unlock secret items!.Make your Winx girls more powerful by gathering the hidden Dragon Flame Sparkles!.Unlock new level hubs by collecting party items and defeating creatures of the Legendarium, driving them out of each world!.Transform to float and fight against minions of the Legendarium when in fairy form!.Jump, Evade, and use puzzle solving skills to adventure in human form!.